lauantaina, tammikuuta 23, 2010

Tieturvallisuuden standardisointia

Kansainvälinen standardisointikomitea on laatimassa standardia tieliikenteen turvallisuuden hallinnasta. Siitä on ollut lausunnolla luonnos: ISO/CD 39001 Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems — Requirements with guidance for use.

Meillä on laatuseniorien piirissä aiheesta todellista veteraaniasiantuntemusta, ja olemmehan me kaikki myös teillä liikkujia. Tämän standardin aihe voisi olla meillä yhtenä kokousaiheena.

Mitä kyseinen standardi sitten tulee käsittelemään käynee ilmi sen luonnoksen johtantotekstistä:

“Road traffic safety (RTS) is a global concern. It is estimated that each year over one million people are killed and 50 million injured on roads around the world. The socio-economic impact of this road trauma is substantial.

The focus of this Standard is on the reduction of death and injury related to road traffic. The Standard aims to reduce road trauma by identifying elements of good road traffic safety management practice that will enable the organization to achieve its desired results.

This RTS Management System Standard is applicable to a range of organizations, including both public and private enterprises with responsibility for:
• the design and production of cars, trucks and other road vehicles including parts and equipment;
• transporting goods and people;
• generating significant flows of goods and people;
• personnel working in the road transport system;
• the design, building, operation and maintenance of roads and streets; and
• providers of emergency medical assistance to crash victims.

Research and experience in many countries around the world has shown that large reductions in death and long term injury can be achieved through the adoption of a holistic approach to RTS. In managing for improved RTS results, it is crucial that organizations have a clear and unequivocal focus on results.

The Safe System approach to RTS seeks to eliminate death and injury on the road network. It is underpinned by a strong management system framework that focuses the organization on the ultimate and intermediate objectives and guides the planning of activities that will realise these goals and improve road traffic safety performance.”


Blogger Matti Leskinen kirjoitti...

Tieturvallisuuden standardisoinnista kiinnostuneita löytyy varmaan muualtakin kuin Laatusenioreista.

Kannattaisiko tsiä kiinnostuneita ja järjestää oma tapaaminen tämän aiheen ympärillä?


26 tammikuuta, 2010 15:05  

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